How to Add Music to Facebook - Steps For Adding Music to Your Facebook Profile

 Music is definitely an important part of any social networking site. It sets the mood and keeps people engaged in the conversation. However, Facebook is not the only networking site that allows users to share music. In fact, a large percentage of the internet uses sites that allow users to share music with each other. So, how to add music to my Facebook profile?

To start, if you have an iPhone or an Android phone you will need to use the Facebook Android app to add the music feature. Buy Facebook Accounts. When you share photos to the main page of Facebook with a link to one of your friends' profiles, you can post a music video to your profile using the same link. And you can also add music in your profile and add songs to the main page. How to add music on Facebook? First, check out the following step-by step guide. It might be slightly different for your iPhone or Android phone.

Open your Facebook Android app. Tap "Music." You will see an option for adding a Short Message. Choose "audio post" and you will see the option to add a text message as well. Buy Old Facebook Accounts.

Tap "audio post" and you will see an option for adding a song to the post. Choose one of the songs that you want to use as the audio. If you don't have an iPhone, there's another way to go. Tap "link." This will open the Facebook Android app where you can select the song that you want to use as your Facebook profile's background.

Now, if you want to know how to add music to your Facebook profile for your IPhone, then you have to use the iTunes method. Buy Gmail Accounts. Click on the song's icon. You will see three buttons. One says "ogg", the second says "stream", and the third one says "phone."

how to add music to facebook profileTap "stream." After you have done so, the song should start playing in Facebook. When it has finished playing, you will see a message with the link to share at top right. Tap that link to share the music feature in your profile. To do this, you will need to go to the main menu at the top right corner of the Facebook interface. Once you are in that area, tap on "app".

The last step is to tap on the "music option" link which is at the bottom of your profile page. This link will take you to an area where you can change your music option. If you want to change your song option, simply touch it and then again tap "change."

The last step to enable this music feature in Facebook is by enabling the overflow window for the application. To do that, go to the bottom of your profile page where you would normally find the contact button and scroll down till you reach the overflow menu. Tap on it and a drop down box will appear. Click "set now" and you will see the new music option which will replace the current one. Click the heart button to confirm and that's it - your profile page is now ready to begin using.

There are a few more steps to getting this music feature to work in your Facebook profile. One of them is to go to the section where you can upload songs and save them. Tap on the " uploading songs" link which is right next to the profile photo. Buy Edu Emails. It will take you to the upload music button which is at the top right of your profile. Click on it and you will see the upload music option which is a blue circle with text at the bottom.

The final step is to use the same upload song that you used in the first step and use it as your facebook profile cover photo. Open the music player from the main menu and click on the uploaded song. Now tap the save button to add it to your collection. The song will now show up in the list of songs. To see what songs are currently saved, tap on the "songs" link which is at the bottom of your profile page. You will then see a list of all the songs which have been added to your profile.

To finish the process, tap on the save button to add the song to your Facebook music page. A message will appear asking you whether you want to approve the song or not. Click on the "yes" button to complete the task. A message will appear asking you where you would like the song to be played. Choose "music" to choose the song you have just uploaded.

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